Brother; 15 Minutes

The rift between the two, makes a rough line for our ones.
He was there, resting at his hospital bed, waiting for his long lost beloved one.
I heard no voice from him. But I heard the silent words from his compassion.
He spoke of something bigger than himself, and could probably yourself.
The 15 minutes at his next day, would be his greatest joy.
He spoke nothing of it, but he was granted something from it.
It was his faith that keep his life, and also his smile.
It was 15 minutes of my gravest soul.
I spoke a lot of things, making the crack envisioned to one.
It was his faith that keep this unity, and also my tears.
• • •
“Are you happy my brother?”
“Yes, yes I am.”
“I arranged these for you.”
“I know, thank you.”